
安全 & 安全


For questions concerning district security,  please contact:

安全 of our 学生 and 工作人员 is the number one priority at 芬德利市学校. 澳门新濠天地官网第一次也是唯一一次 district in Ohio to have an aggressive proactive approach to student and 工作人员 safety.  The district was the 第一次也是唯一一次 district in Ohio to implement SafeDefend, which utilizes mulitple ways of communications in a crisis.   The district provides ongoing safety training for 工作人员 at every school building.  

安全, 健康, and well-being of 芬德利市学校 学生, 工作人员, 志愿者, 访客是我们的首要任务.  The purpose of this webpage is to provide parents, 学生, 志愿者, and visitors with information on district safety programs and links to helpful resources. 

安全提示热线: 844-SAFEROH(或844-723-3764)


整个学年, our 学生 participate in a variety of training exercises as mandated by the State of Ohio. All of our schools complete drills throughout the year in the event of a fire or tornado.

Staff and 学生 also perform safety drills, teaching them how to respond to different scenarios in the event of a crisis. Training is tailored for the different age groups, meaning a safety drill at an early childhood school looks very different than one at a high school.  Please reach out to 瑞安·帕森斯,安全主管, with any questions or concerns.  


安全 & 安全